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Howard Schultz Bids Farewell to Starbucks Board: A New Era Ensues

Starbucks' prestigious three-time CEO, Howard Schultz, steps down, making room for flourishing new leaders. Amidst introspective leadership changes, the coffee titan presses on with new strategies, guided by a dynamic nine-member board.

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Russell Weaver
Russell Weaver
Russell Weaver is a renowned writer, celebrated for his vibrant storytelling and intricate world-building. Beyond being an writer, he's an artist, dedicated to crafting stories that captivate, transform, and linger.
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Three-time Starbucks chief executive, Howard Schultz, has officially waved goodbye to the company’s board, paving the way for blooming new leadership.

The septuagenarian executive shared in his farewell announcement his anticipation to support the progressive generation of leaders from the sidelines, now as a Starbucks client, backer, and supporter in his capacity as Chairman Emeritus.

This transition seemed well in line with Starbucks’ succession plan, though it’s unclear whether Schultz had any personal motives behind the decision. His impactful third tenure ended months back, giving Laxman Narasimhan the helm.

During Schultz’s near-year-long reign at the top, he engineered a comprehensive plan focused on modernizing Starbucks’ outlets, enhancing its barista relationships, and driving continuous sales growth. His inventive streak marked the introduction of Starbucks Oleato—an innovative beverage line infused with olive oil.

Heralding Changes and Stirring Debates

However, his assertive stance opened fresh battles. Schultz adopted an assertive approach in opposing barista unionization—a departure from his predecessor Kevin Johnson—putting him at odds with Starbucks Workers United and allies like Senator Bernie Sanders. These tensions climaxed when Schultz was cross-examined by a Senate committee about Starbucks’ alleged union busting culture, swiftly after his step-down as chief executive.

Before leaving, Schultz underlined his intention of refraining from retaking the Starbucks CEO reins anytime in the future. This wasn’t his first exit; back in June 2018, Schultz momentarily departed from Starbucks’ board contemplating a potential presidential bid, which he later dismissed. He had already handed over the CEO role to Johnson in 2017.

A Fresh Addition to the Starbucks Board

As Schultz exits, Wei Zhang comfortably settles into his vacant board seat. Zhang, accomplished as a senior advisor to Alibaba and as Alibaba Pictures Group’s president, is expected to bring considerable experience to the table.

Her insights drawn from the Chinese e-commerce giant’s operations might prove beneficial for Starbucks as it endeavors to rejuvenate its operations in China, its second biggest market after the US. Interestingly, some Chinese trends like mobile ordering have already influenced alterations in Starbucks’ US segment.

Besides her vast experience at Alibaba, Zhang has served at News Corp China, CNBC China, Bain, and General Electric. Zhang also lends her expertise to Ralph Lauren’s board. Now, the third woman on Starbucks’ nine-member board, joins chair Mellody Hobson and Land O’Lakes CEO Beth Ford.

Undeniably, Schultz’s legacy at Starbucks is significant; however, this moment signifies a new phase brimming with potential. As promising leaders step up to guide Starbucks into the future, we, like Schultz, are looking forward to seeing how this illustrious brand continues to brew up new approaches to stay at the coffee industry’s forefront.

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